The Garda School Application Form


Thank you for your interest in The Garda School.
Please complete one application per student, and have parental contact information ready when filling out this form.
If you have any questions while completing this form, please email
Student's Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Student's gender
Interested in Gradesrequired
Entry yearrequired
How did you hear about us?
Languages spokenrequiredClick all that apply.
Click all that apply.
Academic information
Family information
Mother's Name
First Name
Last Name
Father's Name
First Name
Last Name
Send invoices to:required
Send School Report Cards and Correspondences torequired
medical information
If you answered Yes to the above question, does the student carry an epipen at all times?
student activities
Would you be interested in bussing?
I understand that the information provided in this application will be treated confidentially and used solely for the purpose of assessing my child's eligibility for admission to The Garda Schoolrequired
I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to inform the school promptly of any changes or updates to the information provided in this application, including contact details and educational background.required