Student Governance
Each year CCI students vote to elect a Student Council. Senior students who wish to run for council will inform the Faculty Advisor of their intent to run and then prepare a short speech to be delivered to the entire school at morning assembly in the time leading up to Election Day. Residence representatives, however, are elected in residence by their house-mates.
Student Council is comprised of six elected students in the following positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary/Treasurer
- Social Convenor and
- Two Residence Representatives
These positions are normally held by graduating students although the Residence Representatives may be from any grade. Elections are held at the School at the end of September after students have had an opportunity to get to know each other.
The Student Council is the voice of the entire student body. Any concerns or changes that students would like to see involving daily life at the school is brought to the attention of the Student Council. The Faculty Advisor and President than approach the Head of School with their ideas. Through weekly meetings the Student Council organize social events for the School which include the School Prom, various dances, coffee houses, talent shows and fund raising events.
In the past, Student Council have also participated in the United Nations Youth Model and have flown to Berlin for the annual conference. At times, the Student Council collaborates with other school clubs to raise money for world charities. This is an excellent opportunity to develop leadership skills and to get involved in the local and international communities at large.