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Canadian College ItalyCanada's Top High School in Italy

Residence Rules

Residence Life at CCI has long been established as being one of the most important parts of the CCI experience.

Residence life is designed to resemble home life as much as possible as students live, learn, snack, socialize and do their laundry collectively. CCI Students are separated into either boys or girls residences as both groups are provided the opportunity to bond with their classmates in the space where life long friendships are first forged.

Italian and Canadian residence dons, who both live in the residences, act as cultural liaisons for the students and work closely together to provide 24- hour supervision. Residence dons take on a parental role by enforcing residence rules, fostering a respectful and peaceful relationship among students and ensuring that standards of safety, study and cleanliness are always maintained.

One of the most important efforts of residence dons is to maintain a silent study environment during the mandatory study hours in order to encourage students to reach their academic goals. The vigilant surveillance of the minimum one hour obligatory study hall is implemented on weekdays from Sunday to Thursday from the hours of eight  to nine pm. Study hall fluctuates between one night in the residence to the following night at school where the teachers are available to assist with study.   To ensure that all students return to residence at reasonable hours, rules of curfew are as follows: eight if study is in residence or five past nine pm if study is at the school  on weekdays and 11:00 pm for junior students on week ends and 11:30 pm for seniors. Residence meetings are held in the main common room spaces of each residence to discuss any issues that may arise in regards to duties, co-habitation, or upcoming residence events.

While the residence don acts as a mediator between school and residence life, student elected proctors act as mediators between the don and students. Proctors ensure that the lines of communication always remain open between dons and students and they also take on additional weekly duties around residence. In addition, proctors act as social conveners of residence life who arrange residence events such as Movie Nights, Special Dinners, Secret Santa gift exchanges, Haunted Houses for Halloween and the like.
