Culinary Demo

Culinary Demo

CCI students have been immersed in Italian cuisine since arriving in Lanciano. You’ll know this already if you’ve read the wonderful menus prepared by Eligio and Lula, which not only give students a chance to taste traditional dishes, but provide interesting descriptions of the origins and flavours. . 

Outside of our daily meals, students have had the opportunity to explore local restaurants on weekends and on trips. And if you’re following the blog, you’ll know all about our picnic in the mountains where we barbequed and ate arrosticini. 

The culinary journey continued last Wednesday when we brought students to ReD Academy, a professional cooking school in Lanciano. There, Chef Nunzio demonstrated how to make pallotte cacio e ovo, which are fried cheese balls made with parmigiano and pecorino cheese, bread crumbs, and egg, in a simple tomato sauce. Students were then given an opportunity to form the pallotte, fry them, and of course, taste them once finished.

A very special thanks to Franceso for translating the entire demo! Grazie!